Thursday, February 10, 2011


Since Gabriella is off in chilly Chicago I am taking over for another day and today I would like to spotlight a group of females that continually inspire me, annoy me, make me laugh, and are beautiful inside and out. I know what you're thinking, don't be so gushy. . .but for reals these kids are the best.

A creative take on our school uniforms

This is what pep rallies look like at our school

Getting crazy with our boxers

Just another day on the West Coast

No words to express my love for these kids

Here's a song that reminds me of the girls and all of the shenanigans we get into.

(On a more sartorial note, how much do you love the eyeliner, silver bangles and white polyester jumpsuits?)

Hope you enjoyed my entirely irrelevant (but totally necessary) friend side note!


1 comment:

  1. YES! we finally made it. and the song=so perf
