Thursday, November 18, 2010

Voila! Velvet.

Julia Hafstrom kills it in this new issue of Harper's Bazaar UK. What I would give for that porcelain skin and the blue flower multi textured Roland Mouret dress in the second photo (I seriously need to get my hands on something like it for my senior prom in April). My hair is red right now but nothing like hers which I am absolutely loving, especially with those bangs.
- G

photos from

1 comment:

  1. stand up against the haterz.
    you're putting yourself out there, you have to expect negativity sooner or later.
    don't get upset; be honored.
    hate-mail is cool!
    you can start a revolution!
    stand up against the haterz.
    prove them wrong.
    be yourself.
    sing your song.
    stand up against the haterz, because in the end... no one is right.
    you're here to express do just that.
    don't let someone's OPINION (although somewhat hateful)keep you from doing what makes you happy.
    so let this time pass, let the water flow, learn to be tough, and love.
